Friday, September 09, 2005

What's buddha's last name?

Kids say some pretty funny things. My mom called me at work this morning to recount a conversation her and my youngest had yesterday.

~Interruption. I've been debating whether to use actual names but for anonymity purposes it may be best to not, but referring to family by relationship title seems very impersonal, methinks I will use middle names.~

My mom picked up Matthew from Nathanael's baseball practice to watch him for me, while driving home they passed by the buddhist temple, yes there is a local buddhist temple. Matthew asks my mom,
"What's that?"
"It's a buddhist temple, it's like a church except people worship buddha"
"Who's buddha?"
While my mom starts to think how best to answer my 5 year old, he asks
"What's his last name?"
"He doesn't have a last name."
"What's his middle name?"
"He doesn't have a middle name either."

When they arrive at my mom's house,
"I want to play batman on the computer"
"Ok, but I have to fix grandpa some chili for supper, first."
"My dad fixes some good chili."
"I know, your dad is a good cook."
"My mom only knows how to cook peanut butter sandwiches..."
My mom laughs at this
" and cakes"

Kids are funny.


At 2:29 PM, September 14, 2005, Blogger bjenkins said...

Hey, hope you're doing well. I shared the gospel with a buddhist recently. I don't think he had ever heard that heaven is a free gift. He wasn't ready to accept Christ yet, but I am praying for him.

It's always interesting to find out what people believe.

God bless, Ben

and you were right, my son wasn't interested in being in the picture!


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